The Jewish people have been in captivity for 70 years in Babylon. Jerusalem is in ruins, a burned out husk of a city. The lands of northern Israel are inhabited by Assyrians who worship God and idols. Even in their exile God has shown them mercy and done great miracles. There are very few Jews who were born in the promised land, most feel Babylon is their home. Cyrus the Great has just conquered Babylon creating the Meado-Persian empire. In the first year of his reign, the Lord impresses on Cyrus to rebuild the promised land.
Cyrus decrees the rebuilding of the temple and the city of Jerusalem - Ezra 1:1-3
Cyrus orders Babylonians to give gold, silver, supplies, livestock, etc... to the Jews who wish to return Ezra 1:4-6
Cyrus gives the articles Nebuchadnezzar stole from the temple
Only 42,360 people returned
At this time it is estimated there were in the area of 1,000,000 Jews living in babylon
These people were committed to rebuilding the temple
Before they did anything else, they rebuilt the alter of the Lord and sacrificed to Him
They were surrounded by enemies
They celebrated the festival of Shelters
Opposition comes
The "Samaritans" come and ask to help build the temple
These people were Assyrians who worshiped Jehova alongside idols like Baal.
They were not the chosen people of God
When rejected they intimidate
Bishlam, Mithredath, and Tabeel send letters to Xerces and Artaxerces- Artaxerces reacts and forces the Jews to stop building the temple
1.Why do you think so few of the Jews return to Jerusalem?
2.What are the things in your own life that keep you from doing the things God has called you to do?
3.Why did the returning Jews rebuild the alter first instead of fortifying their position?
4.Describe a time when you have done the "smart" thing instead of the God thing.
5.Describe a time when you have done what God asked in spite of how out of order it seemed.
6.Why did the Jews refuse to let the people of the land worship with them and help them rebuild? Wouldn't it have been easier if they had?
7.How could the Jews have been forced to stop rebuilding the temple, wasn't it God's will for the temple to be rebuilt?
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