Friday, March 14, 2008

Genesis 23 - 25 Death, Marriage, and Birth

  1. Main Theme

    1. Even the greatest men and women are called home to the Lord

    2. Through our children we have “eternal life” on earth

    3. God has a plan for every part of our lives, including our spouse, and children

  2. Sarah Dies

    1. Sarah lived to be 127

    2. Abraham purchases a burial cave from the Hittites

    3. Again Abraham does not accept the generosity of the ungodly

      1. Abraham pays full price to Ephron, despite Ephrons offer to give the land to Abraham

      2. Abraham knew better than to be in debt

  3. Isaac gets a bride

    1. Abraham commisioned his chief steward to find Isaac a wife from his own people

      1. Eliezer of Damascus was a very powerful man in his own right

      2. Abraham did not want for Isaac to leave the land God had sworn to him

      3. Eliezer asks God to give him a sign, and immediately it is given

    2. Rebekah is Abraham's great niece

      1. Rebekah has a servants heart

      2. Rebekah was pure

      3. Rebekah's family knew the LORD

      4. Rebekah chose her husband over her family

      5. Rebekah was a comfort to Isaac

  4. Abraham takes another wife

    1. Abraham has many other children

    2. Abraham gave all his inheritance to Isaac

    3. Abraham sent the other children away

  5. Rebekah has twins

    1. Esau is firstborn

      1. Esau means hairy

    2. Jacob is born second

      1. Jacob means “he decieves”

    3. Esau despises his birthright

      1. Jacob trades Esau a bowl of stew for his birthright

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