Thursday, April 17, 2008

Genesis 34 - Lust and Vengeance

Background: Jacob purchased land from the Hivites and has lived there for about 7 years.

  1. Dinah goes out
    1. Dinah is Jacob's only daughter
    2. She is the daughter of Leah, Jacob's despised wife
  2. Shechem defiles Dinah
    1. Multiple Possibilities
      1. Shechem raped Dinah
      2. Shechem and Dinah had consensual sex out of wedlock
  3. Shechem loves Dinah
    1. Shechem and his father Hamor go to ask for Dinah in marriage
    2. Jacob seems to have no problem with this
    3. The brothers are angry
  4. Shechem offers to pay any price for Dinah
  5. The brothers deceive Shechem
    1. They hide behind their faith
    2. They require circumcision
  6. Shechem agrees
    1. Shechem and Hamor convince the men of the city
    2. The men of the city think to take everything from Jacob
  7. Simeon and Levi take the city
    1. They kill all the men of Shechem while they were sore
    2. They take all the women and children as slaves
  8. Jacob curses Levi and Simeon for their actions

Application: Men must learn to control their urges. Whether lust or vengeance giving in to our base desires ends in destruction.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Genesis 35,37 - Sorrow and Deception
Background: Jacob has returned from Padan-Aram and has settled in Shechem. The sons of Israel have just destroyed an entire city.

  1. God calls Jacob back to Bethel
    1. When Jacob hears from God he cleans house(Gen 35:2-4)
    2. God protects them on their journey(Gen 35:5)
    3. Jacob worships God
  2. God reaffirms His promise
    1. He reminds Jacob of his new name Israel(Gen 35:10)
    2. He reminds Jacob of the position He has given him(Gen 35:11-12)
  3. Rachel dies giving birth to Benjamin(Gen 35:16-19)
  4. Reuben betrays his father(Gen 35:22)
    1. Reuben sleeps with Jacob's concubine
      1. To sleep with another man's concubine was to take his throne
      2. Reuben was trying to take over his fathers household
      3. Another example of this 2 Samuel 16:20-22
  5. Issac dies at 180(Gen 35:28-29)
  6. Joseph is Jacob's favorite(Gen 37:3)
    1. Jacob gave Joseph better gifts
    2. Jacob's brothers hated him(Gen 37:4)
  7. God gives Joseph a vision(Gen 37:5,9)
    1. Joseph unwisely shares his vision
    2. His brothers become even more jealous
    3. Jacob gives consideration to the dreams
  8. The brothers conspire against Joseph(Gen 37:20)
    1. Reuben plans to save Joseph and convinces them not to kill Joseph
    2. Judah decides to sell Joseph into slavery
  9. The brothers deceive their father
    1. They dip Joseph's robe in goat blood
  10. Jacob mourns and is never quite the same afterward

Application: When we walk the path that God calls us to, there will be protection, but there will also be tragedy and sorrow. Our circumstances do not indicate our spiritual condition. Rather it is the reaction to our circumstances that reveal our true level of faith.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Genesis 33 - The Brothers Meet

Background: Jacob is returning home after 21 years in Padan-Aram. Fearful of his brother Esau's reaction Jacob sends many gifts ahead to Esau, and then spends the night wrestling with God both physically and spiritually. In the morning Jacob has an new name, and a permanent limp. After the blessing from God, Israel is now ready to face his brother.

  1. Jacob was ready because he had been with God.
    1. After his time with God Jacob was a new man signified by his new name Israel
    2. God never did promise Israel that Esau would receive him kindly
    3. Israel put his trust in God. Whatever happened he knew God was in charge
  2. Israel put himself between his family and possible danger
    1. Israel lined his wives and children up and then went in front of them
    2. Israel bowed low seven times before his brother
  3. Esau embraces his brother
    1. Esau was within his rights to be angry and retaliate
    2. Esau gives up his rights because he loves his brother
    3. Esau's forgiveness is a picture of God's forgiveness toward us
      1. God has a right to be angry with us
      2. God gave up his rights to forgive us
  4. Israel's family bow to Esau
    1. Israel and his family are a perfect picture of humility and meekness
      1. Meekness is power under control, a horse with a bit
      2. Humility is not low self-esteem
        1. Humility is recognizing who you are through God's eyes
        2. Humility is recognizing others through God's eyes
  5. Gifts to Esau
    1. Esau enquires about the droves of animals
    2. Israel insists they are gifts for his brother
      1. Gifts given in love often inspire good will
      2. Gifts given in love are not expected to be reciprocated
  6. The brothers go their own ways
    1. Esau offers to guide Israel and his family
    2. Israel refuses the offer and goes a different way
      1. Good will only lasts for a while when people are too close
      2. Israel did not want to move in on Esau's territory
      3. Israel buys his own land
  7. Glory to God
    1. Israel builds an altar to God
      1. He understands all that God has done for him
      2. He wants to thank God
    2. The alter is called El Elohe Israel (God the God of Israel)

Application: We must remember to humble ourselves, and to be meek. God has a plan for our lives, He is in control. We just have to remember who He is and who we are according to God. Humility can go a long way in healing broken relationships. We must be willing to give up our rights and forgive as God has forgiven us.