Background: After selling Joseph into slavery, the lives of Israel's sons went on as normal. Israel himself was never quite the same, and God took a special interest in Judah and Joseph.
- Judah marries a Cannanite
- Because of their wickedness God took the lives of Er and Onan
- Judah promises Tamar his third son Shelah
- He never intends to give Shelah to Tamar
- Judah's wife dies
- Judah goes up to shear his flock
- Tamar waits for Judah dressed as a prostitute
- Judah sleeps with Tamar and impregnates her
- Tamar is pregnant
- Judah calls for her to be burned
- This was a greater punishment than the law required
- Tamar proves to Judah that he is the father
- Judah repents
- Tamar gives birth to Perez and Zerah
- Perez is in the line of Jesus
- Joseph is purchased by Potiphar the captain of Pharaoh's Guard
- God blesses Potiphar because of Joseph
- Potiphar's wife propositions Joseph
- Joseph refuses
- Joseph is accused falsely
- Potiphar probably didn't believe his wife
- Joseph should have been killed
- Joseph was known to be righteous
- Joseph is put into prison
- Joseph is put in charge of the prison
- Joseph interprets dreams
- Pharoh became angry with his cup-bearer and baker and put them in jail
- They both had troubling dreams
- God gave Joseph the wisdom to interpret the dreams
- The cup-bearer promised to mention Joseph to Pharoh
- He forgets about Joseph until much later
- The cup-bearer is restored
- The baker is executed
Application: God can and does use